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Mitre 10

MG 7314

Iconic Kiwi-owned brand Mitre 10 has always been a partner we have wanted to work with and in 2015, we got that opportunity. Not long after we moved into our premises in Rolleston, we were invited to participate in Mitre 10’s RFP process.

As we worked through the RFP process, we came up with the idea of offering an alternative substrate. At the time, Mitre 10 were producing letterbox catalogues on high quality, glossy substrates that were relatively expensive. Our alternative option was a lower weight but bulky stock with limited show through, which offered excellent savings to Mitre 10 on their bigger catalogues.

We could still offer the high quality, glossy stocks as well, so this provided them with a good balance between cost efficiency and quality. Our direct relationship with the mill enabled us to create certainty on pricing. This meant we could guarantee a fixed cost for set periods at a time, and the reduced catalogue weights also resulted in savings from a distribution perspective.

With their separate divisions being able to work with one print provider, we can offer them consistency in colour (difficult to achieve when working with multiple suppliers), which is important for their widely recognised orange corporate branding. We worked alongside the Mitre 10 marketing team to set the specific ink densities required to achieve a consistent colour match across our various presses. Our close relationship with the distribution company means that we can provide Mitre 10 with flexibility when it comes to file changes that may be required at the last minute.

The challenge

Our challenge was to introduce Mitre 10 to the Inkwise brand which was difficult in the early days as we were less known in the industry than our major corporate competitors.

Our process

The outcome of our relationship has been a streamlined process for the Mitre 10 team as they deal with one point of contact for all their print needs. They know we understand their requirements and their brand, and how important it is to them.

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